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There's No Such Thing as a Perfect Pair of Jeans

August 2, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I decided last night that I wasn't gonna wait until I got back to DC and had company for my long run, I was gonna do it alone. Woke up at 7:20 which isn't early in the grand scheme of things for most people, but I've been waking up around 11, so it is for me. Took too long getting ready and didn't actually start running until 8:45, but I did have to drive 10 minutes and I did a full warmup (first time in 3 months?), so that took some time. Would have been good to get going 30 mins earlier, but so be it.

Goal was to run 10 miles without stopping, and I accomplished it!!!! I'm the most proud of myself I think I've ever been. It's my longest run ever by .9 miles (though that's not as exciting since I'm increasing my long run by a mile each week), but it's my longest run alone/without stopping by probably 4-5 miles! A bit more exciting. The first few miles felt way too hard, probably because I knew I still had so much more to do. I listened to Tan France's audiobook because I thought it would be light and entertaining, but it was actually kinda sad. Still somewhat distracting though at least. My dad passed me on his bike around mile 3 and rode with me for about a mile which was SOOOO nice. Really helped break up the run a bit. After he left me, I felt a bit more motivated. I was almost at the turnaround and the next few miles (4-7 maybe) I felt really good. And then I kinda died. I'd been keeping up a 10:30 pace which I'm totally content with for a long run, but the last 2 miles were a 13 min pace trudge. My knees and my left outside toes were killing me. I thought my nail was gonna fall off. Finished anyway and limped back to the car. Turns out I just have a really bad blister on my toe and I think it was just a lot of pounding on my knees. I've been limping around all day and am still hurting quite a bit. Then to top it all off, I went on a hike with my family that had 830 stairs in it, so I'm sure that helped. I have just realized that I made a really cool run into an insanely boring log, so sorry about that whoever got to the end.

On the run I saw 3 dogs, 3 horses, 3 deer, a bunch of sheep, some sort of small rodent thing, and probably fewer than 25 cars the whole time!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:51:00 11:06 / Mile Long