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Does Donnelly still coach there?

August 3, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran down to Chain Brige on the canal to meet up with Aaron Rennert for a few miles. Good company. On my way over, I was moving pretty quickly, probably about 7 min. pace on the flat surface, when a couple runners actually evened up with me which took me off guard a little. We acknowledged each other and they asked who I ran for. Turned out they both ran/run for Notre Dame, and went to Gonzaga and Lake Braddock for high school and competed against many of the big GDS names from before my time. We ran together for maybe a mile or so? The asked me if "Donnelly still coaches" which was funny. They told me that their coach at Notre Dame actually ran for Al Carius at North Central, and explained their personal disdain for the NC program, sharing a quote from their coach about his college days there: "we didn't warm up because we knew we were gonna win. We would just get off the bus and win." Interesting. Anyways, good to run with Rennert, and meeting those Notre Dame guys was cool.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.5 Miles 1:20:22 7:39 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 17