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5 mi Tempo, CCT

August 5, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Warm up three miles to Bethesda, tempo for five miles down the CCT, then four miles down on the tow-path back home.

Averaged about 6:15 I think on the tempo section. Felt pretty crummy warming up, and seriously considered just doing this tomorrow, but then I just kinda forced myself to get into it and go. Ended up feeling pretty decent for my first real hard effort of the summer. Glutes kinda burned on the way back, and I'm just kinda tired overall. Good to get the hard day out of the way though and ended up getting some nice mileage in the process.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.1 Miles 1:27:40
3.1 Miles 24:58 8:03 / Mile Warmup Brooks Glycerin 17
5.1 Miles 31:30 6:10 / Mile Tempo Brooks Glycerin 17
3.9 Miles 31:12 8:00 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Glycerin 17