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Trolley Trail Exploration

August 13, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Simonson and Noah Kravitz came over to start a run from my house with the intention of exploring the trolley trail. We found bits and pieces of it, but in many places, it's very overgrown. Luckily, it's pretty much a straight line from Glen Echo to Georgetown, so when we got off it was easy to retrace back to it. We did inadvertently find another trail only a couple of miles away from my house that I didn't know existed. That trail eventually took us to a creek that I had also never seen before, which turned out to be a dead end. We turned around and ended up, somehow, on the CCT. We then took that to Sibley where we re-accessed the Trolley Trail and wove on and off of it until Arizona Ave where it becomes an actual, consistent, runable trail. Went all the way to the end of that section at Reservoir Rd and took the canal home. Fun run, good to see Noah who I haven't seen in a while, and hip did not bother me at all! I don't know how accurate this mileage is but it's the best we've got, and Noah's watch was pretty much the same so I'll take it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.7 Miles 1:19:22 8:10 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 17