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Myles Awaits and Miles Await

August 25, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Matt met me at my house, dubbed the Avidonnerie by him, at 1:30 and we started off on my next long run of half marathon training. Ran down Wisconsin and through Georgetown to the River where we met Myles! Then all the way up the CCT to Dorset (?), and then somehow back to my house. I am so proud of this run, mostly because the plan was to do 12 miles, but near the end I requested to do the full half marathon. But this run was significantly faster, hillier, and longer than my last long run and I didn't stop - wasn't allowed to stop - at all. Matt's motto for the run was "you train how you race" which he took to heart so much so that he carried a plastic cup the entire run so rather than letting me stop at the water fountain, he could fill it, run ahead to hand it to me as I ran past, and make me practice drinking it while running. I can now say I feel fully prepared for my race. Conversation was good and I felt really strong. Talked about camp, Myles's high school shenanigans, his app, what persona I should take on in college (punk hula), and many other things. It was nice to have them both there because I could talk sometimes and zone out others but have their conversation to motivate me. There was one beautiful, very GDS moment when we all dove screaming for the same leaf and fully terrified the people walking ahead of us. Oops. And none of us caught it. I don't know how to end a log for such a super run except to say that running is amazing and has taught me more about myself than just about anything else in my life, and I'm so excited to learn more from it as I continue it in different spheres.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.1 Miles 2:19:07 10:37 / Mile Long