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AM Campus + Fairmount with CA

November 1, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s, but sunny!

Weird day. Didn't sleep very well (3 beers didn't help).

Saw two patients from 7-9a, then CA met me at the office to run.

Left heel was really sore again this AM, but it's different (see Saturyday)...but it doesn't change the fact that it fucking hurts.

Ran easy on a beautiful morning on the standard loop. The ankles, generally, are WAY more flexible, but it's still difficult to run whole footed (let alone anti-Roger on the right!)

Felt OK til the last mile. Regardless, since I haven't done SHIT for speed, I did about 5 strides...'til the heel was too damn sore, then I ran easy.


Rest of the day: a weird one:

* home and made CA breakfast, then hustled her to the airport. She's going to FL while I'm at trail camp
* ran some errands, then home again
* ate, packed, and did random work. Then idea was to solo camp up at Waldo...
* ...didn't leave the house 'til nearly 4!

Drove the van up to Waldo. All the campgrounds are closed, but...there's this sweet picnic area that's essentially a campsite - fire ring, tables, and lakeside! - west of the boatlaunch, so I just pulled up there and got after it!

FUN night:
* sat in a chair, lakeside and watched the sunset
* made an awesome fire
* read a lot ("The Realm of Hungry Ghosts" - an exhaustive book about addiction)

Didn't cook. It was chilly and dark, so I ate PB&J and some muffins (no shoe carving), washed down by a couple beers.

Nice "alone time"! In bed before 9:30, I think.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue