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Cottage Grove: "Sharps Creek-Big River" (Death Climb) loop

November 16, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: high 50s, sunny!

I was long overdue to do something hard.

So I did.

Drove to CG and got on the bike just past 9AM for this solo long bike ride that features one beastly climb midway through a 70-mile loop. I've done this twice before: summer of '10, and spring of '15 (Achilles injury; trying to XT prep for Sonoma).

I was pleasantly surprised that Ricky, my coaching friend from CG, replied to my text invite for a post-ride beer with a "yes", so I had that to look forward to.

It was pretty cold when I left; so much so that 400m into the ride, I looped back and grabbed my only extra LS hoodie and packed it along, just in case.

The route climbs from about 1000' up to 4500', so anything goes at those higher elevations.

The outbound was pretty uneventful: nice, but long. The route follows a paved rail-to-trail bike path that goes along one reservoir -- "Dorena Lake" -- past that, along a couple creeks 'til it gets deep into Umpqua NF.

About 27 miles in...the highway turns to a one-ish lane FS road -- still paved -- that climbs steep-as-fuck for like an HOUR straight.

About 20 minutes in -- feeling the 33-miler yesterday -- it got so steep and difficult I almost couldn't pedal anymore and I nearly turned back. But I was committed to "getting up that fucking hill", so I kept going.

The main climb is a solid hour and gets you to about 3800' or 3900'. Per tradition, I stopped there to refuel and water. This year (unlike in '15) it was cool, but clearand sunny, affording a really nice foothill view.

After that, the road (which splits, and throws a fork that can take you to Crater Lake), rolls up and down for maybe 4 miles before an Ultimate Shitburger climb: maybe 3 miles and maybe 800'?


After that...all downhill! A legit 6-8+ miles of bomber downhill (without too much braking -- at maybe 10-15%), then another 4-5 miles at 3-5% down, along "Big River" creek.

That whole midsection -- from the start of Sharps Creek to London Rd, about a 25-mile segment -- I saw about 4 total cars.

After that, it's a grunt to get back. Yes, it's net downhill but the final 15-20 miles is pretty rolling and -- on cashed legs -- pretty tough.

But it wasn't too bad!

Not counting a couple stops, I did the route in about 4:50 (only :5 off when I did it in '15).


Post-ride: met Ricky at "The Brewstation" and sat outside, having a couple beers. He's back to coaching, which is great.

Fun day!

Feels SO good to feel like I accomplished something. IT's what I miss so much from the past couple years (and unfortunately, the achievement sense from biking is only a fraction of running -- mostly from the speed element).

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
70.0 Miles 4:50:00 4:08 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue