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Gimpl Hill bike

December 5, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: mid 50s, "not cold"

Busy day at work: six clients in a row.

Then home. Didn't feel like fasting so I ate a bunch...then procrastinated getting out for the run until after 3PM.

OK ride. Felt good once I got out there. Couldn't really focus on the Tim Ferriss podcasts (on docs that use MDMA for mental health treatment), so I turned on music.

Overall feeling really *discontent* right now. Here's why:

1. Air quality. Not that I'm "upset" about it. The poor air quality drives my histamine, and it makes me fatigued, agitated, and makes it difficult for me to focus on anything. Bad combination, where I feel frustrated and "lazy".

2. Being injured. Just so sick of this ankle pain. Pretty stiff today -- not terrible, but more than usual. This was because of the run in the soft zero-drop shoes yesterday.

Beyond going to work and making money -- which has been GREAT this year -- living life without feeling like I'm actively BUILDING toward something, like training for a race, leaves things empty. And not having team coaching (or, I supposed children, or coworkers) leaves me without a place to put my energies.

I hope this passes: both the shit air, and the ankle pain. Inching along.

Rest of the day:
* didn't have time to lift, so did a trifle of strength before the Bears game
* watched the Bears on Amazon (while listening to the Chicago radio broadcast online, which is a great combo!). GOOD GAME. Relieved for that -- something to look forward to!

Ate a later dinner of pasta sauce, sausage, and zoodles. Of note: tomato sauce officially is a strong histamine releaser (did not sleep well as a result). :-/

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles 1:15:00 3:44 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue