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Afternoon Gimpl Hill ride

March 12, 2020 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 55, sunny, WINDY

Weird day.

Between Trump's (bullshit) address, the NBA and "Tom Hanks", we've finally reached the tipping point for covid19.

It was tough to focus at work, intially, but then I had a good later morning, working almost exclusively on younger folks.

Rest of the day:
* done at noon ish but did work 'til nearly 1
* big meat order at Long's

* found out a MASSIVE FUCKING SNAFU with the Oregon Dept of Revenue! Fuckers GARNISHED like $9K from my checking account! Turns out they (erroneously) "thought I had employees(!), saw that I've failed to "file withholding", sent multiple notices (to my OLD address)...then fucking just TOOK 9 grand! SEEMINGLY, one phone call (might've) fixed it. We'll see. Stressful, when it looks like my work will be WAY down in the next couple weeks (if not months)

* went shopping again to stock up on necessities

Finally went to bike. Beautiful day, again: sunny, warm-ish, but windy.

Good ride, listening to Tim Ferriss and Jack Kornfield (talking about "peace of mind" at this time of hardship).

PM: Night 1 (or is it 4?) of Full Social Distancing:

* fire outside
* beers and snacks with CA fireside
* dinner, Netflix

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles 1:15:00 3:44 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue