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AM Pre Loop

July 29, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, nice

Slept shitty last night. Because of these damn bug bites/rashes and shit, I (like two months ago) am now waking up in the middle of the night all itchy. FUCKING SUCKS. Woke up at 0345 and pretty much didn't get back to sleep before Keith and I had to drag our asses up to the Amtrak station.

Dropped him off for his train. His huge bag weighed 45.5 pounds, just 4.5 under the max for the train AND the plane ride home! Anti-jimmy! Him taking most of his stuff is going to allow me to get both our bikes AND all my shit into my car without using a bike rack, which'll be nice.

Got back, had some cereal and went for an easy AM 4. Run went well; no knee pain again, not even a speck. Lifted afterwards. I'm really tired now -- gotta start sleeping again now that I'm running again.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles