May 29, 2022 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Tired yesterday and caught up on sleep. Turned out to be a nice morning, and everyone else caught on quickly. I wanted to keep it soft today because legs were feeling super sore. Went on the trails. Very crowded spent a lot of time dodging dogs and big crowds. Went up Sword Fern and then did Council and Huckleberry because I wanted to end at the track for some striders. Started out fast but could tell pace slowed down significantly on the way back up. Legs got that soreness for sure. Striders at QEE were pretty good all things considered. Took it nice and easy back. Pretty convincing that I can run almost 1 hr after taking a month off though.
Essentials: Stretch
Stretched a little bit outside then finished up inside. Legs still feel shot, need some rolling but its a good soreness. Been waiting to get back into and and its so refreshing.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
6.5 Miles | 54:00 | 8:18 / Mile | Long | Mizuno Wave Rider 25 |