July 29, 2022 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Tired this morning for sure and got to breakfast. Some folks apparently just stayed up all night and they were already there. GRC felt like a time warp, and isolated existence and now it was wrapping up. I didnt really know what to make of it, was just too tired. On way out of town went up to Amherst. I hadn't been back in so long but it seemed so familiar, like I did not go anywhere at all. On some level felt very odd though because no one was around. Campus, Conte all empty. Bumped into Coughlin and McCarthy, but felt like a big portion of my identity there was missing, so it wasn't the same at all. I wish I could have stuck around more and taken it all in, but it wasn't the same, what I expected, same way as when I was back at Case in the spring. I didnt stick around too long at all because I wanted to get home without falling asleep. Good thing I know that trip so well it was easy easy on the way back. I was just exhausted though as I got home. Pushed it to the fucking limit at GRC but I think it was worth it. Got a lot of social interactions and stepped up so lots of folks could have a good time, and we all know that we really needed that.