September 4, 2022 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Weights
Slept on and off until 10, then made my way to OTHS.
Did a fair amount of mobility, then light strength:
• squat
• bicep/OH press
• adductors
• abs
Then soaked (+ more mobility) in the springs.
Rest of the day:
• treated McKendree at Callie's
• ate lunch, napped
• treated Callie ("85-90% better" after Sat night!!)
• to Barley for beers and to write my iRF column
• to grocery store and to Garrett's to eat/hang
Solid day.
Had a couple good JSG (albeit mini-) chats. Chatted mid-morning about my run and Sunpies outing last night; chatted mid-evening after I sent her a pic from Barley.
Man, "Facing Love Addiction" is a mind-blower. So frustrating, though:
• I'm the "Love Addict". I come on super-strong (which is an initial attractant), then smother
• She is the "Love Avoidant". She loves the attention, initially, then runs off when the intensity gets too high
EXACTLY what has happened here. But once the Love Addict gets frustrated (as I have), the roles (and polarity) are temporarily reversed:
• I run off
• She (sort of starts to) pursues
At the moment, we're in this limbo, however. I'm clearly no longer pursuing; she's conscious of that, AND both
A. believes (falsely) that I'm "mad at her" (rejection) and that I don't really want to be with her (abandonment)
B. also knows that there are a certain few conditions that I need before we can spend time together: namely that she must WANT to at least entertain the notion of *trying* a relationship.
Right now...still the bullshit "I haven't DECIDED"...
So we're a bit into this weird place.