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Rail Trail

January 19, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 39 degrees, cloudy

10 min out, 9:39 back

Splits on the trail = 6:41, 6:16
Going out I felt pretty comfortable, on the way back i didn't. Probably cause i was really moving. It's just what I felt like doing today.

The whole of my right foot still has some stiffness. I had that the whole run. Between 2-10 min in the ball of my foot had a little pain, but as soon as I turned around it was gone. Pain in ball of foot is less that it was before. It just needs to get used to being run on again. No soreness after the run.

Chest hurt. It's not cold, but it's colder than inside, where I've been all break. Ran in pants and t-shirt.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.0 Miles 19:39 6:33 / Mile