November 7, 2022 (Night)
Exercise Type: Other
Pretty great day!
Got a lot done (after some early floundering), which included doing some introductions down at the (non-running) shoe store AND Auburn Run Co (and Patrice, the owner).
Then, yoga.
Fortuitously, when I walked in, the yoga girl was in the back room, so I immeidatley engaged, talked about things (Halloween class, etc), then introduced myself. Her:
• "Quincy"
• Quiet
• seemed a little bit of a weirdo
Didn't go further, but then gleaned a new client (a yoga teacher/partner? of Chris)
Good class...then timed things right to talk more with Quincy. By the time we walked out the back door, I'd asked for her #.
Her reply? (in sort of a weirdo way)
"I was hoping you would"
Good day. A for effort.