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Bachelor/Cinder Cone short skin w/Ben

January 19, 2024 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Weather: 20 and ice in town; 35F and crazy wind at Bachelor

Met Ben in Bend at 4, then drove up to Bachelor to skin/ski.

Conditions were weird: +15 deg warmer, slushy and super-windy.

The climb was a little sketchy: in through the trees, then really steep, requiring switchbacking and tons of side-hill climbing.

Summitted (800') just as sundown, which was pretty. But the ski down was so-so. I could NOT turn left! I bit it twice before getting my shit together.

Once we got off the cone and onto the resort, it was smooth sailing. But no second lap.

Post-ski: beers and trip planning at Immersion Brewing. Planning a Wallowas trip!

Motivation #1? To see Emma. For real.

OVERALL: Really great week. So happy with the progress I've made, keeping The Rizz to:

• make contacts (professional, community)
• be SOCIAL: chat, learn names ("Kenny from Delano")

I think this is win-win, two-birds, one-stone: I'll build positive business contacts AND expand a social circle that will "feed" me in a healthy way -- which including dating/partnership.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:00   Topo FlyLyte - Blue