August 12, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: high 50s, "humid"!
Slept like garbage last night. Itchy, but the rash is getting better, thank God. I hope I can lose it by the time I head home.
Woke up at 0500, finished off the laundry, made som tea, lifted, and went for a run. Felt really strong on the run today, athough a bit tired. I love actually feeling GOOD -- haven't felt truly strong on a run in a while. A LONG while, actually. I also love running in the cool; really gonna miss that. Ran in a long sleeve, skull cap and gloves, per usual, today.
Dined at Residence Inn this morning, in search of the elusive french toast. They had pico pancakes, which were OK. I hammered the cheerios + granola + raisins cereal mixture. Pretty good...
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles |