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Run for the Shamrock....x2

March 13, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s --> high 40s, wet

The plan today was to do 2 x 10K, one solo, then one along with the actual 10K race, a FUN-raiser for the Sheldon HS track program.

Timed it pretty good: did a 2-mile warm-up, then hit the course at 8:45. The course started in Alton, went East, then a hard hairpin back west on the bike path, then OVER the Autzen Bridge to the south side, then all the way up to/across the VRC bridge and back into Alton. The splits were all over; pretty sure they weren't measured well:

= 35:24

I timed it AWESOME. I "hit the line", then jogged to my bag, quickly changed shirts, grabbed a gatorade cup, slammed that and a salt tab, then jogged immediately to the start, where I heard
"3 minutes!". I ran into the shitter, deuced in like 30 seconds, jogged 30 sec over to the start, when they said, "30 seconds!".

I kept a running time of the rest: 4:27.

Then we were off again. I got out in front for the first 200m, then some guy (with NASTY compensatory knee/ankle varus on the R...WOW) took over and pulled ahead. NO ONE ELSE.

I was shocked at the first mile split...and after that basically tried to go cruise-control:

= 34:24

Pretty F-ing AWESOME. I felt VERY SMOOTH, though the last couple miles into the wind were relatively tough. Moreover, there was ZERO WATER on the course the first time around, then on the 2nd time around I got maybe 2oz of water into my mouth at 4-mile. Dehydrated as fuck afterwards -- Mtn Dew syrup piss.

Felt strong the whole way and, honest to God, that's the first time that 5:20s/5:30s felt SUSTAINABLE.

Big focus on form: the "push-pull" with emphasis on gluts/hamstrings "pulling". Also the lordosis + forward engagement resulted in a pretty efficient stride.


Of note: from 6-mile to the finish was a meandering loop around the duck pond in Alton-- on this rocky concrete surface that, when wet, was slick as FUCK...honestly it was like running on ice at home. I think that's why my last <400s were in the 6:00 pace range. I think just having dry concrete would've cut another 10s off.

Did a 3.5 cooldown solo. Hams and glut equally sore as the quads, so I must be doing something right! :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
18.43 Miles 1:09:48
2.0 Miles Warmup  
10.0 Kilometers 35:24 5:41 / Mile    
0.5 Miles Recovery  
10.0 Kilometers 34:24 5:32 / Mile    
3.5 Miles Cooldown