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400 Strength Workout

March 22, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

12x400m w/ 100m jog at 75
4x400m w/ 200m jog at 72-73

72-77-76-75-73-73-75-75-73-75-74-75 avg. 74.42
73-73-73-71 avg. 72.5

Couldn't figure out the pacing for the first 3 or so, but after that i was just rolling. My feet started to get heavy near the end. The 13th one was supposed to be faster w/ only 100m rest, that one hurt. The last 3 were fine.

Calf tightened up somewhere between 8 and 10, but it didn't hurt so I didn't pay it any attention. After standing around and then started to run again for the cooldown it got real tight, so i cut it short so i didn't strain it again. Good workout, very happy w/ it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 0:00
3.0 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Miles    
1.0 Miles Cooldown