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din din wo

April 6, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

had more motivation than i did yesterday but this still wasn't the most enjoyable run. kind of hot, but that wasn't really all that much of an issue. out with colleen, chris, tim, ontko, and big joe. same route i did yesterday without the chestnut loop. colleen turned around at coventry, and chris, tim, and robert kept going when joe and i looped around the lower lake. i felt pretty good on the way out, but my legs were really sore and tired on the way back, and i'm not entirely sure why. also, my neck/shoulders were really sore, not sure what that's about either. hoping my legs feel better.

static 3, bear with ben, buddies with joe, although he wimped out on the 7 leg and i had to finish with chris counting when i was holding.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.1 Miles 40:08 7:52 / Mile   Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 Ruby/Silver/Black