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Ely Lake Big Loop

August 23, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high-50s, windy, misty

Slept in big-time, relatively, today: 'til nearly 8AM (which is only 0600, PST). I still felt trashy, which I always seem to when I come up to the Range.

Did the usual loop and, per usual, felt shitty. At first it was low energy and clunkiness. Then in the middle sections the humidity of the Midwest took its toll: even though it wasn't bad, my lungs struggled to obtain the O2 from the moist air -- just like it always has after long periods out West. This should resolve itself after a few days.

The last few miles -- from Fayal Pond back to the house -- went pretty well. I had to very consciously keep the pace easy, as I always have a tendency to hammer the last few miles, moreso to get the run done than anything else. According to the quarter mile splits painted on the bike trail, I was running 6:30 miles. Shenanigans, I think. It's possible, with the tailwind I had, but I seriously doubt they were accurate. However, they WERE consistently 6:30, so who knows?

Overall I still feel trashy, even with the new shoes. I hope my old Kayanos aren't dead, because they've got less than 350 miles in them -- unacceptable for $130 retail shoes!

I also hope my legs come around, otherwise the alumni time trial next Saturday -- one week from today -- is going to be miserable. :|

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles