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May 9, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid-50s, humid/sneaky warm

Woke up at 0630 thinking it was 0730 -- watch must've been pressed to switch-over. Oops. Reneau was up already, so I made tea for he and I was we just sat around, drank tea, listened to NPR and chatted -- awesome old guy time!

Around 8 I drove him to his car. Along the way we stopped and I found my gloves I'd thrown into a bush along the marathon course. BOMB!

After dropping him off I headed for my run. Felt a TON better than Friday, that's for damn sure. Still sore and tired, though. But I did the whole loop, including up the PRE's rock.

After the run I just CRASHED: slept for a couple hours, then got up and scavenged on Matt/Sara's Mother's Day chow. Just as I was about to go on a bike ride, a rather substantial storm (RARE for here) blew through town, putting the kibosh on that. Went to WinCo, then cooked 'til nearly bed time.

Pretty OK "rest" day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles