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May 31, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: cool, lil humid but nice

slept 3:30-10:30

ate bagel

relaxed all day felt ok :)

ran at 7 with kenny

run was ok, legs were sluggish but not hurting
aerobically still difficult

up warington, to library, to MLK, outer loop to water fountain, rested while got water

walked up hill to school, ran back to SB through the neighborhoods,

moderately hilly not flat, but not hard

dunno pace, kenny said 39 min

hammys tightened up but not sure why.

light cool down and 6 strides

not dehydrated :)

light stretching,
ate chicken, potato, steak, pasta, brocoli, SOOO FULL

lots of water afterwards

11- legs feel fine

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles