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RF Loop

August 28, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 66F, humid

Woke up quite early today, thanks to sounds of loud wretching coming from the bathroom, where at 0440 PICO was ralphing up his Steve's Pizza (and God knows what else) from the night before. It was shockingly loud and painful-sounding. After checking on him and rounding up cleaning supplies (since he didn't make it entirely to the toilet), I made some tea, hopped on the computer for a bit and had a Clif Bar, then around 0550 went for the run, to squeeze it in before taking Steve to Wausau for school.

The run went really well -- the best I've felt in over a week. It was pitch dark 'til I got to Hoffman Park but the temps were nice and the air calm. Ran "effortlet-less-ly" up the drive to the golf course and piss-stopped at the top, per tradition. Ran down the hill, down Wasson, across the new bridge and down Hells. Still no cows to say "hi" to, but I did give the horses a nod as I strode by.

Didn't do any campus loop because I didn't need the mileage. Took "emo" bridge back via Finch's house.

The trip to Wausau and back wasn't too bad, but it was lonnnng. The move-in was relatively stress-free and without much incident or drama. Can't believe my mom didn't cry when we left! Perhaps there's nary a tear left after PICO's "colorful" K-12 history.

I tried to sleep on the way home, as I was exhausted, as was Billy, so we did not go on a run together once we got home. He's run 5 days in a row and he's due for a break, anyway.

After eating a TON for dinner (like 3 PB&Js) I went to Finch's to deliver some Black Butte Porter and give Nikki's foot a once-over. Fun stuff.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles