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CGHS + Middlefield

June 10, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 55, periods of POURING RAIN

Last day at The Grove. Went pretty well. Morning flew by, then it was time for the run. It looked OK out, and was dry, so I rolled with a light longsleeve, even though it was "only" 55F.

Bad move. Got POURED ON TWICE -- about 5 in and then a half mile to go. SUCKED. I'm SO SICK of this shitty weather. Rain's not bad, but day-after-agonizing-day of "50 and rain" (or worse) needs to be DONE. C'MON!

Other than that, the run felt pretty good, despite the tempo yesterday.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.5 Miles