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Carson Loop + Cemetary Loop

August 31, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 70s, even really early

Finch and I slept maybe four hours before waking for this run. I woke up around 7AM and walked outside to see how damn warm it had gotten already, so I coaxed Finch out of bed to get this run over with early.

We ran Carson, adding on to Putnam Drive as our first loop. I felt pretty terrible on the first half, especially since Finch ALWAYS runs fast, even when HE feels terrible (which he did). We both drank quite a bit last night, which didn't help things at all.

I felt a lot better on the cool, shaded length of Putnam but it was woefully brief, as we ascended Stagecoach back up to upper campus. We ran down the frontage road to the Plaza to go get Breitbach, who only wanted 7ish.

Though strikingly similar, we decided on a Cemetary loop, mostly because the first loop went pretty darn well and we might as well stick with what's working. I implored Finch to keep it easy, since Breitbach hates grinding. It was somewhat easy, but I felt we were well under 7:00, which I was fine with.

Added on Putnam again, which was a nice respite, then finished the 2nd loop the same as the first: down the frontage road to our respective hotels. I was tired and trashed out on that homestretch, but happy to have gotten in my first legitimate long run in several weeks.

We cleaned up, checked out, ran a couple errands and hit up CK breakfast with Mack and Mikey Sinclair before hitting the road for home.

I slept most of the rest of the afternoon, waking to eat and watch some old "24" episodes on DVD before hitting the sack. Kind of a crappy day... :|

On a positive note, I came quite close to a respectable month of volume: in the high 270s this month. I'm still quite a ways away from Augusts of years past, where I'd roll well over 400 miles. Baby steps...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.0 Miles