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Hoffman Park Trails

September 3, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 51F, sunny but a bit humid

Woke up at 0630 without an alarm, which was good. I had some tea and a Clif Bar, then headed out for the run just after 0730.

I felt a bit clunky today after yesterday's 16 miles. Even though I ran really easy with Billy yesterday afternoon, 16 is 16 -- especially when 12.5 of it was in dead shoes. I kept it really easy to Hoffman, stopping to grind one at the shelter before heading up.

My first lap was REALLY SLOW -- wow. While I stopped once to move a branch without stopping the watch, I split a 8:00 first lap! Yikes. I warmed up a bit more the next couple laps, rolling 7:20s for the last two.

On the way home, back on the streets, I worked again today on leg recovery, which, in short, is like running while doing "butt kicks". My leg recovery has always been bad but it's gotten worse because of my summer knee pain, which discouraged any knee flexion. While it take energy to "curl it up" there, it really speeds up my turnover and overall pace.

Overall I felt the same as I have for the past week+: pretty damn good energy but trashy legs.

I lifted once I got home. This afternoon I'm heading to La Crosse on the eve of our big swing out West. I'm excited but a little stressed. Hopefully we won't forget anything and that our bikes won't fall apart on the 200+ miles we're gonna roll in the next week or so.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles