September 4, 2008 (Night)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: cool
I felt great, I know I started out slow, but nate, ryan and I were able to pick it up and pass many many runners. This plan of attack continued to the second mile, where nate sped ahead, leaving me and ryan quite a ways behind. We kept it up though, but about 800 meters to go of the race, I started falling behind. (to shouts of dismay from the crowd) However, this centennial kid came up from behind me and shot ahead, easily passing the kid that was a ways ahead of me. I thought to myself, that centennial kid is going to get the time I want to get. I can stick with him. So I did. Until we entered the track and he shot ahead of me. I realized then that this was it. How tired was I really going to be when I crossed that finish line? I decided that I wanted to be far more tired than I felt right then. I kicked it and kicked it hard. I heard some people yelling to a kid behind me, so I pushed it even harder. The result? Well, let's just say I was pretty tired when I crossed that finish line at 19:45.
If I keep pushing myself beyond all previous limits set for myself, I can and will improve.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
5000.0 Meters | 19:45 | 6:21 / Mile |