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Hoffman Park Trails

September 17, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, nice

I did my circuits in the AM and waited to run, with the intent of running with Finch this evening. After doing several errands, I got a call from mom wanting to eat dinner for my birthday tonight, so I nixed my plans with Finch and ran around 2:30.

Overall I felt pretty tired and shitty on this run. Legs were fine, but just low energy. Moreover, I had some moderate heart burn from soup at lunch, which didn't help. I ran a reasonable pace, but didn't feel great. I think I'm a bit tired from the "quad-fecta" yesterday of running, biking, circuits, and lifting. That's a lot for a 30.9999 year old.

I went with mom to Key's Cafe in Hudson for dinner. I like this place, and I really love it now after this night's meal. The omelettes are absolutely ridiculously huge: an "everything omelette" with 3 meats and like 6 veg, with only "2 eggs" completely filled a huge 12" plate. On top of that, I got what I consider to be the best pancakes I've ever had: "blueberry bran" 'cakes that, like the omelette, swallowed a 12" plate. Syrup spilled everywhere because it rolled off the cake and, since the cake was as big as the plate, clear onto the table.

The cakes were incredible: it tasted like I was eating two sheets of blueberry muffin, or banana/blueberry braed. Wonderful. I'll be back often for those.

Finally finished the summer newsletter tonight.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.5 Miles