August 23, 2010 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Weights
Weather: Weight Room
CoachL decided that its best to lift on hard days this year. I understand the rationale but that doesn't make it any easier. Tried to take as little break as possible during the circut. Had Bobby and Brett down there heckeling me the whole time which made things fun. Felt like I used good weights for the stuff.
1 Crossfit circut. 3 times each lift
Hang Cleans x 10 (75lbs)
Squat to jerk x 10 (65lbs)
Pushups x 10
Pullups x 5,3,2 (should move to row ups to finish this set
DB arm runs x 20 each (5lbs)
Bar dips x 10 (moved to bench after I failed after 5 the third set. Did 15 that set)