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VRC noon tempo

September 1, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60, mist on/off

Got to work this AM at 0700 intending to run, only to find
I had a 0730 patient. Oops! But WAIT! I had a 90 minute lunch, so I
figured I’d jam in 9 at lunch. But WAIT! A patient took the 1130
opening. F! So after going stir-crazy all morning (with patients that
NO-SHOWED all over…leaving time but no freedom to go run), I decided
to jam my 3-mile tempo into a 5 mile run.

Ran a mile warm-up w/Jeff, then he decided he’d “keep up with me” on the
tempo, on the VRC loop (opp direction from what I normally do tempos).
We got out in the first half mile in 2:45. Felt REALLY GOOD. About
that time Jeff faded back and I kept going.

It’s customary to NOT look at my watch on tempos, instead going on feel. I don’t like the notion of pushing too hard just to please my OCD. So I’m rolling along and it feels SUPER-EASY. Like normal breathing. Finish the 3-miler with a bit of tired leg but otherwise felt great. No wonder: turns out I slowed to 5:45 pace. Oops. No wonder it felt so good. Quick back to work after that…for 6hr straight.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.5 Miles