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September 11, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

The first mile Dan, Dylan, and I hauled. We went out in a 5:05, which I think was a little fast and may have hurt my last mile a bit. I think the second mile was run really well on my part, especially once I hit the asphalt. I was passing people and felt really good too. I'm not sure what I ran the second mile in. The third mile was definitely not very good. I got about 200 meters in and lost some ground. The rest of the mile I lost a couple more spots and couldn't get them back. My finish was nothing special because I didn't get my full kick going. I need to start it earlier.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.11 Miles 16:58
1.5 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 16:58 5:27 / Mile Race  
2.5 Miles Cooldown