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Mercersburg invitational

September 25, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80 and sunny

before today i was nervous about trying a JV race (among other embarrassing reasons, i'd never ran in a JV race before). i think it was actually beneficial. there was less stress.
also, anthony not telling me if i was running or not till after i got off the bus alleviated stress.
the race was fine. i finally started off at the right pace, but never really got motivated to keep it up. wish i had pushed myself. it felt like a work-out instead of a race, but i think i still push myself a lot harder in work-outs. i came in for a strong finish, but didn't really try to pass anyone and wasn't even close to giving it my all.
maybe it wasn't a very good race or time, but i'd call it a success because i reacted better to it. i FINALLY got off to a good start (the first half mile) and didn't break down in frustration and self-disappointment after the race.
i think i was 6th overall. i guess thats pretty decent for a JV race.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.6 Miles 24:15
3.5 Miles Warmup  
3.1 Miles 24:15 7:49 / Mile Race  
2.0 Miles Cooldown