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cc trail pick-ups

September 28, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 79 and partly cloudy

hard day. finally it was xc practice.
6 800s with 90 sec jogs in between. my target time was 3:30 (7min mile pace). got a little stressful running with my teammates so broke off from my group after the first 3 and finished the rest of the work-out on my own. my times ended up ranged between 3:20 and (even once) 3:45. not exactly even time, but i guess i did average out to about 3:30. the hills also varied my times a bit. not really the times i was hoping for, but i had a hard day and it just felt good to run. wasn't pushing myself too hard, and probably could've added on another pick-up but anthony stopped me -- probably for the best because today was not the day to push myself.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.0 Miles 1:02:30
10:00 Warmup  
52:30 Fartlek