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home to parents 13.1

October 2, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: pleasantly cold

Mega meat pizza is not ideal cuisine for 13.1 miles. I felt great through 10 miles, on an 8:35 pace then totally lost it for the last 3 miles. Took Gel at 45 and 1:25. Drank 30oz water 10oz Gatorade. Once I crashed I walked a bit (mile 11) then shuffled along with a few very brief walk stops through the end. I don't think the pace was the problem. I was very comfortable right up until it seemed like the fuel just ran out. Didn't seem to get a huge boost from Gels. Still, my best time on this distance to date. Back to the big runs next week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.11 Miles 1:54:43 8:45 / Mile Long