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The All-Ohio Cross Country Championships

October 1, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: A little bit windy in parts but pretty much a beautiful day to run cross country

Pretty early morning with the test and stuff but was able to sleep some on the bus on the way down. Felt okay warming up. Feel like we got out too slow today. Even from the begining trying to look around and find the Oberlin guys to target I had no idea where they were. We were way ahead of the target pace at the mile but were way back in the race. I passed people for the rest of the race, but I just feel like I wasn't focused on what needed to happen in the team race becasue I couldn't find the Oberlin guys to mark. It'll be diferent in two weeks. I need to do more research where they are on the line and stuff. That way I can find there front guys and know what I need to do and where I'm at early. Also I'll go out harder. From looking at the splits there guys were significantly ahead of our pack at the mile and the 2. My last 3 miles were as fast or faster than their top 3 just the first 2 were so much slower that we dug ourselves a hole early that we couldn't quite fill by the end. That said I also think my running in the middle of the race could have been a lot better. Especially mile 4 I feel like I could have run harder and I had a lot left in the end. My finish was good but only because I had not used up enough energy in mile 4.
Teamwise I think we can take some good stuff from today. We closed the gap on Oberlin with 3 people having off days which is encouraging. And I don't feel like the other 4 of us ran out of our minds or anything. Were still pushing hard in training and when things start to come down in a couple weeks things will be very diferent out there on the course.
Splits: 5:03, 5:19, 5:24, 5:17, 5:01(short last bit)
Static 1, roll
Missed RHR becasue I had to get up early
Slept: 6 hours the thermo test killed me

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.97 Miles 1:27:29
2.0 Miles 16:12 8:05 / Mile Warmup New 10's
8000.0 Meters 26:02 5:14 / Mile Race  
5.0 Miles 45:15 9:03 / Mile Cooldown New 10's