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Some days are better than others

October 3, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Great

Night run, was feeling rather down for some reason, but decided that the best medicine was to get out and bust out some miles. I had a great time saturday. The cake was awesome, I got to be around some of the people I respect and love the most in this world... in many ways a great birthday, but I was feeling down because of being gone from my wife. Tell you what, sometimes it really sucks. So I fixed my problem with one of my best runs in a long time. The storm was on the horizon the entire time, and I loved seeing the lightning in the distance, and wondering if the rain would destroy my new Ipod if it ever came, but it didn't and I just ran hard in the middle of the run, not crazy, just that perfect mix of fast and smooth, and then I got really tired in the end which is exactly what the doctor ordered, and now I am feeling much better. There are very few things that cannot be fixed with a good hard long run. Never forget that.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.4 Miles 1:25:05 6:20 / Mile