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shake out some sore muscles...stress relief...AND SPERGS!

October 6, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: cool...umm...60s?? whats this?? (why is it so cold?!)

my biceps are so amazingly sore from lifting monday. i guess it was my first time ever lifting for my biceps. i figured that if i do my triceps, i should be doing my biceps. but i definitely lifted way too much - or maybe this is just what happens on your first time...
i'm a bit run down. actually - not at all. some of my muscles are just sore. my biceps of course. and i guess my quads...and my shoulders are ridiculously tight from all that stress before the meet.
so may day started off nicely. not stressful. actually got through breakfast respectably and had my morning smoothie...and by the time it got to be 3:45, i was so ready to see the team! i feel like i've isolated myself a bit these last couple of days, and it felt wonderful to open back up and smile and have fun with the team.
so we had ran toward the fire station and stopped at the park right at the entrance to Summerset...were in the middle of doing drills when - SPERGS CAME OUT OF THE BUSHES! i was so excited to see her i just wanted to jump for joy and give her a big huge hug! but i restrained myself. i'm so excited to have her back! she's starting off slow so she won't get injured again (hopefully), but just to see her doing drills with us...aww it was amazing! (sigh). then, instead of running the whole way with the rest of the team, i cut it off short with spergs. i couldn't let her run alone (as she's been doing all this time with her injury), and i just wanted to run with her so badly! i need my big sis/mentor back! it was so great to catch up with her. those 26 min together just wasn't enough. but she had to stop and i had to add on (didn't add on too much because my body wasn't feeling it).
that afternoon was just full of smiles for me :) it just couldn't have made me happier to see spergel back. i can't wait to see how the rest of her season plays out. and more than that - than being excited for her season - i'm just so glad to have her back.

leah helped with my shoulders after practice. she gave me one of her quick little (but amazing) shoulder massages. but that definitely wasn't enough. by dinner time by shoulders were killing me and it was such a struggle to do hw. i gave up and used icy-hot on my shoulders and bicepts...TWICE. yes, used it twice that night. thats how bad they were. and are still really tight.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
36:00 Easy Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe