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Track Workout!

October 23, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

jogged for about a mile around the neighborhood, then headed to Duke Ellington's circular track. I found the markings for 400, 300, and 200 when I got there. Moving and standing dynamic drills. Then jogged for another mile, taking the last lap somewhat brisk. 8 striders.

I felt really determined coming into the 400s. Not over analyzing how this workout is going affect next weekend or putting target times in my head. I just wanted to run it well, and I had a new watch to try out today. I guess that mindset worked, because I went under 90 for all 3! even though not very much under...I've never done that before in a workout. Times were 89, 88, 86. 90 second recovery in between. After, 500 recovery to the mark of the 300.

Definitely felt very tired after the set of 400s, but tried to carry momentum into the 300s. Times were slower, but still solid (I think? Not really sure of 300 times). 68, 70, 67. 90 second recovery inbetween. 400 recovery between

By the 200s really tired but wanted to finish. First 200 at 45, wasnt happy. Dug deep and finished off at 43 for the second one. I'm not really sure how, but the last 200 I ran a 39 (havent done that since track).

Stumbled a 20 minute cooldown jog after. long stretch and crunches. Nap.

It might have been a good sleep,or the fact that it wasn't a school day, or my legs liking the circular track, but I think that this was probably the best workout of the season, possibly best sprinting workout ever. It was nice mentally to enjoy this workout. No pressure, no overanalyzing, just me the track and the one really fast college runner on the track. It will be nice going into championships with this workout in mind. Please excuse the rambling running-loggers, and have a wonderful weekend!

Caught 6 leaves today.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.0 Miles 1:08:00
18:00 Warmup Nike Zoom Vomero 5
30:00   Nike Zoom Vomero 5
20:00 Cooldown Nike Zoom Vomero 5