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I had some thinking to do today...

October 27, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: just finished raining and the sun came out...peacful

I had something to do today. No, I had a lot of thinking to do.

Saturday... Championships… Breath…
Saturday is in three days. I am going to make it. I will make – remain calm. I’m just going to have fun because it doesn’t matter what happens – how I do. It doesn’t matter who does better than me, if I have a good race, if I run like I know I can… Well, I can’t say I believe that…
No, Katherine – you can’t think that way. I am not running for myself. I am not going to be selfish. I am not going to let the footsteps behind me phase me. I cannot, shall not, will not, let the stress, let the pressure, let everything, destroy me. I won’t let it tear me apart. I won’t let it.
I am going to go into that race focused on who I pass and why I love running. I am going to go into that race thinking – no, believing, that I am the worst runner, the slowest, the 7th varsity runner, with nothing, nothing at all, to lose. Just me and the course. Won’t matter who’s ahead of me. Won’t matter what others think. Won’t matter who’s behind me. I’m running for the team.
I am going to relax, I am going to be part of the team, and I am going to enjoy myself. I am going to take a deep breath, forget about everything, and tell myself – I can do this. I am going to finish the race with a smile on my face, I am going to congratulate my teammates, and I am going to cool-down with the team. And I am going to have fun if it’s the last thing I do.
Friday night, I will not dream about a break-through race – everything going perfectly, running like I used to run, the glory… No. Friday night, I will dream about a happy race – enjoying how in shape I am, the scenery of the course, the perfect weather, the support from my team, the high you get after running hard…
I will have fun.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
23:00 Easy Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe