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np to lee: night edition

November 2, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Basically the same run I did yesterday, except this time at night and from top of the hill. Started out with Paul C. He turned around at coventry and I kept going. I forgot to start my watch, so I just kept cruising at my own pace. I dont know how long it was im just going to say 45. Felt good. I have been feeling less weak lately, which is good. I was cruising until I hit Soverlook, and I just felt like going for it. I picked it up a lot and just ran through the night. It felt really good. I feel like I know how much effort I need to put it. I know how far I need to go.

Got back and stretched while watching the end of the Cavs game and the election returns. A little depressed at what I saw...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles 45:00 9:00 / Mile Cruise Asics Cumulus 11