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1st day of basketball

November 10, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

I think basketball is more of a workout than running...and you use such different muscles. i'm definitely not used to it. it was fun though - well most of it (toward the end it got kinda boring). i miss having the ball in my hands. it felt great.
however, as i don't have basketball shoes, i just used my old indoor soccer shoes. i figured they'd be better for moving side to side than running shoes. but my feet hurt so bad and i can definitely feel a blister forming. i think i might also have some blisters on my finger tips forming (yeah, that's odd...)
Basketball practice is also so much longer than cross country. it starts right at 3:30 and ends well after cross country. i have to change right when school ends at 3:15. i miss having a bit of time to relax and recover from the long school day.

i'm not sure what i'm gunna do this season. i'm pretty confused about what to do. winter track or basketball...i guess i have a couple days to decide.