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November 13, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40ish and cloudy

This race was really good for me. I didn't care how I did coming into it, all I wanted was the hat.

Mile 1: Dan was way out in front for the first 200 meters, but he didn't do anything cool on-camera. I tried to wave my arms around a bit, but I don't think its very visible. I settled in at a pretty fast pace. I could tell a lot of people went out way to hard because I was passing people left and right. First mile in 5:10.

Mile 2: By the end of the beach I had passed Dan and was slowly moving up the pack. I passed around five people on the hill alone. When I came around the hairpin by our teams stuff I was in 15th or so place. I was still feeling really good through this mile. Ran behind the lake, up the little hairpin turn and through the two-mile mark in 10:40ish in about 8th place.

Mile 3: This was a pretty cool last mile. I still felt really good through this mile. I moved up to 6th place right before the hill. At the top of the hill I remembered there was only a couple minutes left so I pushed it pretty hard the rest of the way. Right after the hairpin I got passed by Boise . Held that position to the end. Almost caught back up to 5th and 6th.

I think I did well in this race b/c I had a lot of time to recover from the season's races. I feel like I wasn't ever dying in the race either. So I think I could have been able to go faster. I got a cool little medal, a dog tag, and a stuffed cow that has a scarf on it that says it likes chocolate milk.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.61 Miles 16:49
1.5 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 16:49 5:24 / Mile Race  
1.0 Miles Cooldown