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On Mah Own

December 1, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cold

Had an orthodontist appointment right after school so had to miss practice. Didnt get to run til about 4:30, quite cold by this point. Anyways since I didnt get a good workout Monday because of the tendons, wanted to get a little bit of speed in today. 3 intervals, started off all out and just cruised once I hit the 200, didnt wanna make it an extremely hard workout, just something to get me breathin hard and the legs turning over. Also did a 2.32 mile cooldown and had .4 miles of recovery overall but the fucking website isnt allowing it to show up.....i hate when it does this shit.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.03 Miles 21:08
2.37 Miles 17:47 7:30 / Mile Warmup Asics GT-2150
0.2 Miles 1:00 4:59 / Mile Speed Asics GT-2150
0.2 Miles 1:01 5:04 / Mile Speed Asics GT-2150
0.26 Miles 1:20 5:07 / Mile Cruise Asics GT-2150