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December 22, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

decided to run home from friendship, weaving in and out of neighborhoods.
started by the metro center, down wisconsin until fessenden, up the fessenden hill then back down to get to wisconsin. keep down wisconsin until mass, down mass for a few blocks, then up to get back to wisconsin (so interesting, right?) keep down and up and down wisconsin until q street, while passing a man yelling at the world about obama. q, to 34th, around the georgetown housing area, then back home. really nice weather, a bit chilly at the end

pretty good run, a bit tired, and solid effort. im pretty pleased. foot 100% better from yesterday, didnt feel it at all on the run. goign to do strength work now, probably crunches, supermen, planks, and weights.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:03:23   Nike Zoom Vomero 5