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dreamin' of a zoolight christmas tempo run...

December 25, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

...but didnt happen because the zoo was closed!

ive been wanting to see the zoolights for awhile so I figured I'd make my way up and down the the zoo area and see them. There was literally no one on the street/road/anything. I didnt really anticipate how long it would take to get there, or anticipate any kind of route. So I got incredibly lost on the way there. Finally, when I found someone else on the sidewalk, I asked how to get to the zoo, and they directed me to connecticut. The zoo was closed, and I was feeling good, so I figured I'd make today a tempo instead of tomorrow. Tempoed for about a 25 minute chunk. Cleveland road? is pretty rough, but still felt good. slowed down when I hit wisconsin and ran home.

Even though I didnt get a chance to see the lights at the zoo, there were lights everywhere else. Woodley and Georgetown were incredible, because each house had their different holiday affection displayed on their front porch, yard, or roof. Everywhere smelled like a warm, cozy fire, which doesnt seem like the best thing to be running to, but really kept me going, especially going up Cleveland. It was a pretty memorable run. Cruches, planks, supermen after

(so much rambling...sorry!)
also i know it was a on the long side, more than it should have been, so I'll take tomorrow easy. but it was an incredible run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:14:49   Nike Zoom Vomero 5