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January 4, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Hattiesburg - 5:17pm - Calories: N/A - Shoes: Hayperspeed - Felt: Really good for my first speed work on the local track: Route: FG & LT - Watch: NG

400m interval with 400m recoveries

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.24 Miles 36:18
1.5 Miles 14:26 9:37 / Mile Warmup  
400.0 Meters 1:27 5:50 / Mile Interval  
400.0 Meters 1:28 5:54 / Mile Interval  
400.0 Meters 1:33 6:14 / Mile Interval  
400.0 Meters 1:29 5:58 / Mile Interval  
400.0 Meters 1:29 5:58 / Mile Interval  
1.5 Miles 14:26 9:37 / Mile Cooldown