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firehouse tempo

January 7, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran to firehouse, faster than steady but not tempo. then tempoed back with anthony and added on about a mile slow cooldown. felt fine going there. coming back I wish I had pushed more, because I wasn't really too tired at the end. It felt hard but controlled most of the way. the only time it felt hard was on the gradual hill coming up from dorset but even that didnt make a big impact. I feel like I could have gone harder, but I guess the point of tempos is not to feel completely drained after. Added afterwards to cooldown. I think it was about a mile, maybe a bit less then 8 strider progression. I'm pretty excited to race and see what I can do on the track. Crunches after!
Going there in 17:23, coming back in 14:12. Then 7:43 minute cooldown (which felt like the tempo pace??but was still a cooldown? i confuse myself.)
...on a side note I got into the Kenya running program. so excited!!! =)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
40:18   Nike Zoom Vomero 5