November 1, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 71.0 °F Humidity: 76% Overcast
Wow! what a great way to end the week start a new month. I went from a small week to a large distance week in a single run This was my longest run on record and it really boosted my spirits up. I did not want to get up and do a long run because I just couldn't get it together early this morning and take a trip to the coast like I wanted. It was raining an I just went back to sleep. I did not get up until about 9:00. I thought that I may as well get out the door and make the best of it. I started to run southbound on County Center and went all the way to the Police sub-station. I then continued up Cameron to Court and all the way back. I did make a few stops at intersections and for traffic , but for the most part I jogged the whole way. I guess Nike has got the best slogan for runners like me. Just do it!
Distance | Duration | Pace | HR Avg | HR Max | Interval Type | Shoes |
7.4 Miles | 1:16:57 | 10:23 / Mile | 128 | Pegasus 2007 |