May 3, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Felt pretty good on this run. Even though I had the setback on Wednesday, I went for six today and it worked out pretty well. 40F and windy today, but reasonably sunny, which was nice.
Ran the RF loop then added on campus for a short six. Felt nothing 'til the last half mile, when some soreness in the lower GS -- where I've been strengthening and masssaging -- transmitted stress to the heel. A little heel tightness, but I was done. Pretty OK afterwards.
circuits and pull-ups at home.
BTW: been doing strength 1-2x/day since Wendesday: 2x50s B heel raises with asst conc, slow ecc. 1x25-50s single-leg heel raises with asst conc, slow ecc, each side. Good stuff. Gotta build up strength and resilience in the muscle so this running can progress.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
6.0 Miles |